

Emergency Medicine & Urgent Care located in Kahului, Kihei and Lahaina, HI

Telemedicine services offered from Kahului, Kihei and Lahaina, HI

Choosing convenient telehealth at Minit Medical Urgent Care and Physical Therapy in Kahului, Lahaina, and Kihei, Hawaii, means you can visit with a medical specialist from the comfort of your home. Our expert specialists will provide you with virtual medical appointments to eliminate the need to travel to your provider. Schedule a telehealth evaluation by phone or book one online today. 

Telemedicine is available on all islands although our clinics are in Lahaina, Kihei and Kahului. We can provide prescriptions throughout Hawaii

What is telehealth?


Telehealth at Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy involves virtual meetings with healthcare providers to evaluate and treat minor and medical issues. Examples of conditions treated include illnesses, injuries, unusual symptoms, and diseases. Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy offers this service for patient convenience, making it less likely they’ll skip vital medical appointments. 


Which advantages does telehealth offer?


Telehealth offers an array of benefits, including:

  • No office wait times
  • No exposure to other patients
  • Complete privacy
  • No traveling for appointments
  • Convenience
  • No need to take time off work
  • No need for childcare
  • Timely medical care

Your Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy provider can meet with you from the comfort of your home, office, or any other location. They spend as much time as you need to effectively treat your condition and minimize bothersome symptoms.


What services can I get through telehealth?


Telehealth at Minit Medical Urgent Care and Physical Therapy is available for non-life-threatening health issues you might encounter. The practice offers the following services via telehealth:

  • Follow-up appointments
  • Illness or minor injury care
  • Physical Therapy
  • Pediatric Care
  • Colds and Flus
  • Preventive medicine
  • Ear Infection
  • On-site X-RAY
  • UTI - Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Fractures


If you’re unsure if your situation is appropriate for telehealth vs. in-person care, the friendly Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy specialists can happily answer your questions over the phone. 


What happens during telehealth appointments?


Your Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy provider calls during your scheduled appointment time and speaks with you about any health concerns. They inquire about your medical history, medications, and symptoms. Your provider may complete a virtual physical exam to view visible symptoms of a medical issue. 


You may need an in-office visit if you require lab work, X-rays, other diagnostic tests, or hands-on treatment. 


Your Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy specialist then tailor a treatment plan based on your diagnosis and its severity. They may recommend rest and fluids, home-based or in-office injury treatments, over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, or referrals to other specialists. 


They follow up virtually or in person to ensure your treatment is effective. Call the Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy office if you develop new or unusual symptoms or to schedule a follow-up visit. 


The practice provides superior services that exceed your and your family’s primary care needs.


Schedule a telehealth appointment at Minit Medical Urgent Care And Physical Therapy by phone or request one online today.